BNP Paribas changes Asia Pacific organizational structure
BNP Paribas has a new organizational structure in Asia Pacific will expedite decision-making process and enhance service capabilities.
The bank has decided to focus on areas with the greatest market potential and the six key markets identified in the Asia Pacific region are Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, India, Singapore and International & Other Asian Markets. The Singapore market includes Malaysia and Indonesia, while Asian Markets include Korea, Phi.lippines and Thailand.
In addition, a dedicated Ultra High Net-Worth Individuals unit will be set up in Asia Pacific to further strengthen the bank’s commitment to serve these clients.
A Market Head is appointed for each respective market under the new organisational structure:
Head of Wealth Management Hong Kong is Serge Janowski, for China Mignonne Cheng will be the acting head, for Taiwan is Henry Pang, for India & Non-Resident Indian is Stephane Honig, for Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia is Serge Forti and for International & Other Asian Markets*: Eric Morin
In addition, Serge Janowski and Serge Forti will be the CEOs for BNP Paribas Wealth
Management Hong Kong Branch and BNP Paribas Wealth Management Singapore Branch respectively.
The appointment details for the UHNWI unit will be announced at a later stage. In the meantime, Mignonne Cheng, who will retain her responsibilities as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for Wealth Management Asia Pacific, will also take up the responsibility as Head of UHNWI & Independent Wealth Managers for Asia Pacific.
Commenting on the new structure and appointments, Mignonne Cheng said, "the wealth
management business is a people business. Infusing these elements into our existing system means fresh DNA and a boost of new ideas and insight on our business. With a new structure and a stronger team, our client-servicing capabilities will be further enhanced, enabling us to achieve our ambitions for Wealth Management in the Asia Pacific.