ipac launches SIS funds' Singapore dollar class units
Strategic Investment Services (SIS) funds of ipac will now be available in Singapore dollar class units and no longer just in US currency, catering to clients who prefer to have their investment portfolios reported in local dollars.
Through its unique portfolio management service, ipac provides investors with access to a diversified investment approach which selects and blends specialist fund managers; offering multiple layers of diversification across and within asset classes, regions, fund managers and investment styles.
Greg Campbell, country manager of ipac financial planning Singapore, said, "Our portfolios help to manage risk through diversification and ipac’s multi-manager investment process. Our clients remain well positioned to benefit from market recovery. Research shows that even if investors missed the recovery since March 2009, and the market takes as long as ten years to recover to its previous high, investors would still generate a return of almost 6 per cent. This is more than they would achieve it they were to invest in cash today."
ipac has been operating multi-manager portfolios for more than 15 years as an investment solution which leverages on the strengths of the best fund managers and their different investment styles, and saves investors time, money and the hassle of trying to do everything themselves.
Multi-manager investment provides potentially lower volatility through high levels of diversification as well as greater risk control through constant fund manager reviews. It also provides access to investment managers that may not ordinarily be available to retail investors.
ipac selects fund managers through a disciplined screening process, and monitors and reviews them rigorously on an ongoing basis, making changes when necessary to maintain the overall portfolio so it is well positioned to meet changing market conditions. The multi-manager process allows for cost effective changes and efficient management of transitions.