BEA optimizes returns by streamlining risk process
BEA's new fund serves as an alternative risk management tool for investors in view of the current highly unpredictable investment environment.
BEA Union Investment Four Seasons Fund will provide short-term capital stability and potential growth over the medium to long term through investment in a dynamically allocated portfolio of marketable equity and debt securities.
However, the focus of the fund managers is not to completely avoid risk, but to tap optimal potential returns by accepting specific risks. The fund managers will strive to avoid loss in the Fund’s Net Asset Value that is not lower than the pre-specified level by the end of each financial year.
With flexibility in asset allocation, the fund managers follow a proprietary process to tilt the portfolio towards equity and fixed income and have the discretion to invest up to 100 percent in either asset under exceptional circumstances, while the Fund is kept within controlled risk guidelines. The Fund serves as a cost-effective way for investors to construct a diversified portfolio with a global perspective, whilst capturing the potential of the fast growing Asian region.
"The current financial downturn helps strengthen a risk-based investment concept. Investors have become more risk-averse and they should find the Fund meeting well with their current appetite," said Mr. Ilex Lam, CEO of BEA Union Investment.
"Investors can expect to enjoy long-term capital growth through the Fund with the help of our professional fund managers who leverage the expertise of Union Investment Institutional GmbH, which shares its insight into the global economy as well as its extensive knowledge and experience in the area of risk and return management," he added.