Nikkei 225 outperforms Asian equities with 2.47% gain
Check out how other markets fared.
According to UOB Economic-Treasury Research, it was a roller coaster ride for Asian equities, with most Asian equities turning back to positive returns
yesterday and the Nikkei 225 performing the best by closing 2.47% higher, aided by strengths seen in telcos (+4.60%), oil & gas (+3.69%), utilities (+3.23%), and financials (+3.20%).
In addition, the Shanghai Composite index closed 1.77% higher, boosted mainly by technology (+4.65%), consumer services (+2.71%), and industrials (+2.28%). The Hang Seng (+0.94%) and KOSPI (+0.35%) also ended marginally higher but the TAIEX fell 0.64% for the day.
In Southeast Asia, the top performing market was the SET as it rose 1.01%, with gains mainly contributed by technology (+2.64%), oil & gas (+1.43%), and telcos (+1.29%). Elsewhere, the STI (+0.66%), KLCI (+0.29%), JCI (+0.30%), and PSEi (+0.34%) ended with positive returns.